
Traveller's Map of Warsaw

This map guides to every place a tourist visiting Warsaw should see. And there is plenty to see, including interesting spots in Ochota district. :)
Bęc Zmiana foundation, Warsaw Tourism Agency and the European non-profit organisation USE-IT Europe have just published the updated map - USE-IT Warsaw. It should be available in the Tourist Information points, hostels, galleries and other places often visited by tourists soon. At this point, though, you can download its electronic version from www.use-it-warsaw.pl

Among the described places, one can find two cafes in Ochota, namely Filtry Cafe (www.filtrycafe.blog.pl) and Cafe Kolonia (www.kolonia-ochota.pl). You can read about the former on our blog soon. Moreover, the map provides you with the information on the Pola Mokotowskie park (www.polamokotowskie.pl), National Library (www.bn.org.pl) and Jump Inn hostel (www.jumpinnhostel.com) located near Prokuratorska street.

If you still do not have any plans for the weekend, I recommend printing the map and become a tourist in your own city at least for a day. I am certain that by doing so you will discover a few places that you did not notice while being in an everyday rush.
Tr@nsl@ted by Paweł Ochmański

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