
More Films in Ochota

Let us present the propositions of films which you can watch in the upcoming days in our lovely Ochota district.

Tomorrow (on Tuesdays 28.07), in the club-cafe Mam Ochotę, another presentation of two films with Jewish motifs. The screening starts at 7:30 p.m.

Radegast (60 min.)
Poland, 2008
Directed by Borys Lankosz

In 1941, over 20 thousand Jews from Western Europe were brought to the already overcrowded ghetto. For the first time in the modern world, there was a clash of communities which differed considerably in two centuries of development and the level of emancipation that completely transformed the lives of the Western Jews. The majority of the Polish Jew community treated every act of assimilation as a deviation. On the other hand, the German Jews considered standing apart from the society and upholding the Hasidic misticism a display of ignorance and backwardness.

Dowódca Edelman (58 min.)
Poland, 2008
Directed by Artur Więcek "Baron"

Marek Edelman is a member of the Jewish Bund and, after 1943, he becomes one of the leaders of the uprising in the Warsaw's ghetto; a year later, he also fights in the Warsaw Uprising. He does not leave Poland after the war but he stays as a witness of the holocaust to fight for the human rights. He takes part in the creation of the Solidarity movement in 1980. He is interned during the martial law. Edelman does not stop his activity in the independent Poland; he fights for respecting human rights in the world, having his share in NATO intervention in Kosovo... The film depicts Edelman and his personality, a man who sets boundaries of decency from his armchair whereas the world around him moves faster and faster...

And if you want more film attractions, then finish your coffee and take a walk to Pola Mokotowskie park, where at 9:45 p.m. you can watch the film Resident Evil in an open-air cinema.

And here are the films to be shown in the Iluzjon cinema:

27.07 - Monday
18:00 - La signora senza camelie (Dama bez Kamelii)
20:00 - Ladri di biciclette (Złodziej Rowerów)

28.07 - Tuesday
18:00 - Cela s’appelle l’aurore Gli amanti di domani (Jutrzenka)
20:00 - Roma, ore 11 (Rzym, Godzina 11)

29.07 - Wednesday
18:15 - Le ragazze di Piazza di Spagna (Dziewczęta z Placu Hiszpańskiego)
20:00 - Le testament d’Orphée (Testament Orfeusza)

30.07 - Thursday
18:00 - Non c'é pace tra gli ulivi (Nie ma pokoju pod oliwkami)
20:00 - Otto e mezzo (Osiem i pół)

31.07 - Friday
18:00 - Cronaca di un amore(Kronika pewnej miłości)
20:00 - Seans z Filmwebem (info)

1.08 - Saturday
17:30 - Paris, Texas (Paryż, Teksas)
20:15 - Eroica

2.08 - Sunday
18:00 - La Strada
20:00 - Warszawa Walczy! cz. II / Warszawa Walczy! Exodus 15. / Powstańcze Kamery (info)

We recommend the Sunday films with uprising motifs.
Monia & Krystian
Tr@nsl@ted by Paweł Ochmański

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