
Floral Workshops

Chrysanthemums are usually associated with decorating graves, but the flower's variety allows for almost infinite composition possibilities. These flowers can form the base for a bouquet or serve as an addition to the decoration. The multitude of colours and sizes is another asset of chrysanthemum.
If you want to discover these flowers anew and learn about the ways of nurturing and creating your own floral composition, do not hesitate - sign on for the workshops at Arts Centre Radomska13 (Centrum Artystyczne).

13/21 Radomska Street
tel. 22 8233756
email: radomska13@oko.com.pl

Price: PLN60
14th November (Saturday)
10a.m. - 3 p.m.
Source: www.radomska13.art.pl
Tr@nsl@ted by Paweł Ochmański

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