
"Pokój Stołowy" - a Play in Ochota Theatre

„Pokój stołowy” (Dinner Table) is a play depicting the modern world where the traditional values have been substituted by an incessant chase of career and a shared meal gives the feeling of loneliness and loss. Time never stands still and although customs do change, we will long for the warmth of the other person and hearth and home.
A. R. Gurney is a noble conservatist and great playwright. He managed to squeeze more than fifty characters in one play allowing only six actors to play them making this play a real feast for theatre-goers.

21, 22, 23, 24 of January
Ochota Theatre
Reja 9 street
source: www.teatrochoty.pl
Tr@nsl@ted by Paweł Ochmański

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