
Literary Competition - My First Love

The Council and Board of the Ochota district with the Public Library of Ochota organise a literary competition My First Love. Every senior citizen who lives in Ochota district can take part in the competition.

The works (both written or electronic versions possible) can be submitted in every public library in Ochota or sent to this address:
Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Ochota m. st. Warszawy,
02-094 Warszawa, ul. Grójecka 77

The deadline for submitting the works is 16 October 2009 (the postmark date is taken into account when submitting) with the note "Konkurs Literacki".
The complete rules for the competition can be found here.
the source: www.urzadochota.waw.pl
Tr@nsl@ted by Paweł Ochmański

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